Getting back on track & ‘Stairway to Heaven’ no longer the ‘Brigde to Nowhere’.

     Many of you may already know that I ‘ve been in the process of a move.  It has been a good move, though exhausting.  My son started kindergarten three days into the move so I had to rapidly adjust to his schedule.  Seems that by the time I get him fed, bathed and in bed, I’ve been ready to pass out myself!  On top of it all, I had to prepare for a show this last weekend and worked friday, saturday and sunday.  It was a good show, for which I am thankful.  I was so busy, and when I wasn’t busy I was so exhausted, that I hardly made any new inventory for the show… but now that the show has passed, I have been more inspired than ever.  I’ve been working on a new pendant and just finished it up yesterday.  I really like the way it turned out.  It’s different than the work I’ve been doing, which I like.  I’m always pleased when I try something different and like the outcome.

Bridge to Nowhere

Bridge to Nowhere

     I have been struggling to find a name for it, and the silver basketry work reminds me of bridges.  With the current election hot on everyones minds, of course ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ comes to mind.  Hence, that’s what I am calling it until a more suitable name comes along.  Suggestions are welcomed!

[see update on name below]

  It’s created with a beautiful watery (more sky) blue amazonite for the main focal with blue topaz and green peridot accents.  the peridot on the bottom of the wrap is my first experiment of setting a faceted stone in what is called a ‘strip setting’.  I think it turned out pretty well, but it sure was a beast to manage!  Overall I am pleased with the outcome, however.

   I’ve also been working to get my new studio together.  It’s been so much fun digging out all my wonderful jewelry making tools and supplies that have been packed up for the past two years for lack of space.  I’ve rediscovered many treasures that had been long forgotten along the way.  I can’t wait to have my studio fully together again.  When it get it together I will share pictures of my new space.  Meanwhile, there’s still lots of unpacking and reorganizing yet to do … and so I am off to be productive.

UPDATE:  I posted this on the Year of Jewelry (hoping to start getting back on track) for this weeks entry.  I mentioned there that I was looking for a new name for the piece and Valarie of Valaries Jewels suggested “Stairway to Heaven” which I instantly fell in love with.  I am thankful for the new name!  I have been watching too much election coverage lately and I just couldn’t get that bridge to nowhere phrase out of my head!  LOL  Thanks for the new name, Valarie! 🙂