Rainy Day Sale 20% to 50% off of in my Etsy Shops

Well, it’s been a happy but rainy holiday season here … and while the holidays have passed the rain hasn’t. Given that I’ve been sick and am just a few inches this side of ‘well’ I opted to stay home this morning instead of setting up at Palafox Market. That’s two weeks in a row I’ve missed. 😦 I don’t like missing the market. I miss my artist friends as well as all of my lovely customers. I decided to go ahead and run a sale in my Etsy shops. The sale runs now through Monday, January 5th.

If you love jewelry, check out my primary Etsy shop and take 20% off of your entire purchase using code RainyDay15 at checkout. This is a great way to get some fabu Delia Stone jewelry at a fantastic price! You know you want to! Check it out: DeliasStones on Etsy

beach 2014

But if you’re the kind of girl who loves to MAKE her own jewelry, then slide over to my Tutorial Shop and take 50% off of any and all tutorials available. You’ll never get a better deal than THAT on these tuts, so if you’ve been wanting on now is the best time to take the leap! New skills for the new year! 🙂 Tutorialshop on Etsy


Take advantage of the sale! Pop in now so you don’t forget! Happy New Year to all!